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Never-ending Worship: Where Preparation and Inspiration Meet

This collection of resources is part of the Center for Congregation Season 3, Episode 2 podcast: Never-ending Worship: Where Preparation and Inspiration Meet

Podcast hosts Ben Tapper and Shellie Riggs Jordan speak with John Ray from Light of the World Christian Church about what that it takes to plan a successful worship service. They discuss music as a specific element of the worship service and as the overarching lifestyle of the congregation. John explores the many hats that he wears and offers advice about balancing the technical quality of worship with the need to follow the invitation of the Spirit.


3 Resources
web resource
This website, provided by Prayerscapes, a group of Christian musicians, dramatic readers, and...
web resource
Worship Design Studio
This website offers creative ideas and resources to turn worship into an integrated and...
web resource
Worship Enrich: Exploring Old and New Ways of Responding to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Anglican Church Music Director Neil Barker created this website to explore and discuss the...

Guest Contributor

John Ray

John Ray has served in leadership positions at several churches in a career that spans four decades. Currently active in the Disciples of Christ (DOC) Christian Church, John has had the honor of serving as Music Director for many of the large gatherings for the church to include the General Assembly, National Convocation, and several regional worship gatherings. John founded the Worship That Transforms Conference at Light of the World Christian Church, an effort that yielded transformed worshippers and a CD entitled Redeemed featuring the Voices of the Light. In December of 2019 John led an ensemble in concerts and appearances as a part of a DOC pilgrimage to Cuba. John has also participated in multiple tours to Europe in particular Switzerland, England and France.

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